Directors & Officers Liability (D&O) for private companies

Directors & Officers Liability (D&O) for private companies

Directors & Officers Liability (D&O) for private companies

A necessity in risk management

In today’s modern and fast paced business environment, private companies face an array of challenges that demand strategic decision-making and leadership. To navigate these challenges successfully, private companies often rely on a talented and experienced board of directors and officers.

However, with leadership comes inherent risks, making it imperative for private companies to consider Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance.

D&O insurance is a protective
shield for the people in charge
of a company, such as its directors
and top executives

D&O Insurance is a protective shield for the people in charge
of a company, such as its directors and top executives.

D&O Insurance is a protective
shield for the people in charge
of a company, such as its directors and top executives.

Here's why it's important

Financial protection

If leaders are ever accused of making bad decisions or not doing their job properly, this insurance helps cover their personal wealth so they don't have to pay for legal troubles out of pocket.

Attracting talent

Talented people might not want to work for a company without this insurance because they could end up losing their own money if things go wrong.

Regulatory compliance

Some laws and stock markets
mandate companies have D&O insurance.

Risk mitigation

D&O coverage means leaders can make tough choices without worrying about losing their own money.

Investor confidence

Some investors require D&O as a condition of being on the capitalization table of a company. For a company to have D&O insurance is also a sign of business maturity and adds to investor confidence. 

Under 24hr turnaround 
on submissions

Everybody’s time is precious. The Anzen team prides itself on returning D&O quotes in less than 24 hours. 

Expertise and
knowledge sharing

and knowledge sharing

Understanding the nuances of management liability can be daunting. Anzen has a team of experts that helps brokers and clients refine their needs and right-size their coverage requests.

Integrated with 
market-leading systems

Integrated with
market-leading systems

Anzen integrates with Carta - the most trusted equity management platform for equity management. With access to cap tables, our expert underwriters can prepare D&O quotes in  hours.

Submit, quote, and bind
with ease and speed

The modern marketplace for Executive Risk insurance

© Anzen Technologies, Inc

Anzen Insurance Solutions LLC

CA License 6004358

© Anzen Technologies, Inc

Anzen Insurance Solutions LLC

CA License 6004358

The modern marketplace for executive risk

The modern marketplace for Executive Risk insurance

© Anzen Technologies, Inc

Anzen Insurance Solutions LLC

CA License 6004358